Winning the Heart of Your Child by Mike Berry | Christian Books | Eachdaykart
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Winning the Heart of Your Child by Mike Berry is a must-read guide for Christian parents. Written by a veteran theologian, it dives into the issues of effective parenting and provides practical insight on how to raise a Godly child. Get this book to help develop a close bond with your child and embrace the gift of parenthood.
- Publisher: GS Media
- Binding: Paperback
- Pages: 214
- Dimension: 140 x 215 x 13 mm
- ISBN: 922371648
MANY OF US ENTER PARENTHOOD with a perfect vision of what our family will be. But along the way we discover that the children we’ve been blessed with are real human beings with their own minds, ideals, and views of the world. Our influence only goes so far, and when those children reach the preteen and teenage years, it may seem to have disappeared completely. Yet at no time in your child’s life is your positive, godly influence more critical. If you’re worried about your child pulling away, following poor role models, or making choices that will lead to pain and difficulty, Mike Berry has good news: it’s not too late. He offers nine ways to help your child through these difficult years and develop a relationship with them that can weather any storm.