Radical Leadership by Michael Green | Christian Books | Eachdaykart

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Radical Leadership by Michael Green offers insight into effective and lasting Christian leadership. The book covers the key components of successful leadership, such as character, vision, and strategy, and outlines how to develop the skills needed to become a reliable leader. With its practical approach, this book provides the tools necessary for true transformation and growth.

  • Publisher: GS Media
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Pages: 120
  • Dimension: 138 x 215 x 8 mm
  • ISBN: 7236159870


How did Jesus lead? What are the key principles of leadership that he encouraged in his disciples? 

If the church is to grow and thrive, and not just survive, we need leaders who possess the radical leadership qualities taught by Jesus and the apostles. Michael Green draws out the radical teaching of the New Testament, and explains why a recovery of that teaching is so vital if Christianity is to grow and thrive, and not just survive. “Michael Green, a dear friend, is a proven long distance runner in Gods great Marathon race. He was the Vicar, in his younger days, in one of Oxford’s most outstanding churches. I know him more as an evangelist. Only eternity can reveal how many people have come to Jesus through his great ministries which continue even in his senior years. “

—George Verwer  

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