Holman Illustrated Bible Handbook | Christian Books | Eachdaykart

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The Holman Illustrated Bible Handbook provides an in-depth, visual look at the world and people of the Bible. With over 500 full-color illustrations, charts, and maps, it's a comprehensive reference for Christian books and Bible study.

  • Publisher: B & H Publishing
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Pages: 500
  • Dimension: 152 x 241 x 24 mm
  • ISBN: 9781433608315


The Holman Illustrated Bible Handbook is specifically designed with overcoming these obstacles. It begins with an essay on "How to Read and Study the Bible" that orients readers to what they will encounter in the Bible's pages, and this is followed by a helpful introduction/outline to each of the Bible's 66 books. The purpose of these introductions is to help the reader see a unified theme throughout the Bible and to guide their reading. Studies indicate that reading comprehension is a key factor in understanding

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